The Journal is currently receiving applications and nomination to serve as a member of its Editorial Board. We are seeking individuals with a research background and a record of scholarly productivity. Members of the Editorial Board review manuscripts submitted for publication consideration by The Journal of College Student Development (JCSD) and advise the Editors of the Journal on matters of policy and practice.  Self-nominations are welcomed.

During the spring, new Editorial Board members will be appointed to replace some of our current members whose terms on the Board expire. Please give special attention to nominating individuals with significant scholarly experience and a record of publications in our field and scholars from historically underrepresented groups. Self-nominations will also be accepted

Please forward the nominee’s name title, institutional affiliation, their e-mail address, and a current copy of their curriculum vitae.  E-mail these materials to Dominique Baker at

Nominations are due no later than February 9, 2015. A committee will review the completed applications and develop a list of recommended candidates. These recommendations will be submitted to the Governing Board of ACPA for their approval at the ACPA Annual Convention in March 2015.

Thank you in advance for your assistance in identifying strong candidates for the JCSD Editorial Board.

Dr. John M. Braxton, Professor of Education
The Journal of College Student Development
Peabody College
Vanderbilt University