Your Professional Network is Powered by Bacon
by Paul Gordon Brown


Failing to Succeed:  A Guide for Falling and Getting Back Up.
by Stacey Pearson-Wharton


Where Are You From:  A Complicated Question
by Jacqueline Mac


The Little Red Bird
by Kristen Perry (@MissKris_23) 


The Stress Paradox
by Hamza Khan

Supporting Francophone Students Beyond the Classroom
by David IP Yam

Home and Abroad: Global Citizenship Identity Development
through Service Learning

by Stephanie Muehlethaler

Making the Impossible Possible: Lessons from Cirque du Soleil
by Sarah Molitioris

Putting My Man Face On
by Keith Edwards

Dark Side of Social Media: Social Media's Impact on Mental Health
by Bailey Parnell

Touch for Success
by Josué Quiñones

What the Class of 2020 Doesn't Know about Social Media
by Josie Ahlquist

Success isn't Linear; it's Geometric
by Tricia Seifert

Revolution on Canvas: Art Therapy, Mental Health and the Job Search
by Craig Bidiman

Moving Beyond Identity Development: Why #DIGITALACTIVISMMATTERS
by Brittany Williams
Goodman - Parentless Students
Honoring Parentless Students
by Michael Goodman


Pecha Kucha presentations are part of the annual ACPA Convention programming.  If you are interested in knowing more, visit and watch ACPA 2015 Pecha Kucha videos.  If you are interested in applying to present, plan to register for ACPA 2017.