Play Impact VideoLynn Hogan, Florida State University and Jamie Cooper, George Mason University describe the impact and pressures of global student affairs and the need for cross-disciplinary collaboration between academic affairs and student affairs.  
Lynn and Jamie serve as co-chairs of the ACPA Commission for Academic Affairs which provides outreach, advocacy, and professional development opportunities to individuals in higher education who work in or with academic affairs related areas.  The goals of the Commission are:
  • To promote best practices in student development throughout the academic affairs setting
  • To provide a niche for the interests of academic affairs professionals
  • To foster collaborative relationships between academic affairs and student affairs professionals by linking academic practices with student development
  • To identify emerging issues within academic affairs and provide members with easy access to information regarding current issues and trends
  • To initiate networking opportunities, encourage research, and develop scholarship pertinent to the field.

The Commission evolved out of the National Association of Academic Administrators (AcAfAd). The group merged in 1968.
The Commission has approximately 200 members.  Currently there are twelve Directorate members and new members are invited to join at any time.
Commission members represent a broad spectrum of professional activities and responsibilities. A number of members work in academic affairs areas such as academic policy administration, program coordination, academic integrity, research supervision, programming for at-risk students, and teaching.   Other members work in student affairs functional areas and have significant interaction with academic affairs colleagues.  Regardless of their assignment, Commission members are interested in bringing together expertise from both areas to help in furthering student development.

Contact one of our co-chairs, Lynn Hogan ( or Jamie Cooper (, to learn more about ACPA's Commission for Academic Affairs.