Tuesday, January 14, 2014


Contact: Dr. Kathleen G. Kerr, ACPA President       

Contact info: president@acpa.nche.edu

ACPA welcomes Dr. Cynthia Love as its next Executive Director

WASHINGTON – Dr. Cynthia Love, current Executive Director of Soulforce, Inc., has been named the next Executive Director of ACPA – College Student Educators International by the association’s Governing Board.  Dr. Love will officially assume this new role on July 1, 2014.

Visit Dr. Love's page

“The ACPA Governing Board has unanimously selected Dr. Cynthia Love to be our next Executive Director,” says Dr. Kathleen G. Kerr, ACPA President.  “In 2014, as ACPA celebrates its 90th year, we need a leader who has a vision for how ACPA will build upon and advance nine decades of leadership to higher and tertiary education and the student affairs field.  Dr. Love has a commitment to ACPA’s core values and mission; and a capacity to strategically guide the association forward.  The Governing Board has great confidence Love will develop rich and meaningful relationships with ACPA members and our partners within the higher and tertiary education community worldwide.”

Dr. Love’s background uniquely positions her to assume this post, as ACPA’s fourth Executive Director.  With significant experience in higher education, for-profit and non-profit management, and social justice work, Love will advance the association’s current strategic plan and guide ACPA’s future contributions to higher education and student services globally. Love shared,

“I am honored and humbled to serve ACPA members worldwide in a time of creative tension in so many aspects of culture and society.  We are poised to support a generation of thought leaders who will be the first to work in an environment of mass collaboration.  It is fantastic to be alive in a time when human beings can dialogue with one another all over the world in an affordable, multi-media way---an extraordinary gift to those of us who believe so deeply in the power of connection, conversation and community.  This opportunity is also deeply challenging.  Our obligation to ourselves, students and colleagues is to thoughtfully and intentionally find the pivot point for ourselves and for our organizations.”

Love has a Doctorate in Educational Administration from Texas Tech University, a Master of Arts in Special Education from Louisiana Tech University and a Bachelor of Science from Abilene Christian University.  Love holds a Certificate in Executive Education from the Harvard University Kennedy School of Government. Love was a member of the inaugural class of the MIT/YEO/Inc Birthing of Giants program.

For the past decade, Love has served as the chief operating officer of two global non-profits as well as the Executive Director of Corporate & Continuing Education at Brookhaven College with the Dallas County Community College District. Prior to that time Love was a senior executive with the TORO Company (NYS:TTC) and an award winning founding entrepreneur of eight corporations.

Love will be formally introduced to the ACPA membership at its 90th International Convention, March 30-April 2, 2014 in Indianapolis, Indiana, USA.

American College Personnel Association (ACPA), headquartered in Washington, D.C. at the National Center for Higher Education, is the leading comprehensive student affairs and services association that advances student affairs and engages students for a lifetime of learning and discovery.

ACPA, founded in 1924 by May L. Cheney, has nearly 7,500 members representing 1,200 private and public institutions from across the U.S. and around the world. ACPA members include graduate and undergraduate students enrolled in student affairs/higher education administration programs, faculty, and student affairs educators, from entry level to senior student affairs officers, and organizations and companies that are engaged in the campus marketplace.

Vision: ACPA leads the student affairs profession and the higher education community in providing outreach, advocacy, research, and professional development to foster college student learning.

Mission: ACPA supports and fosters college student learning through the generation and dissemination of knowledge, which informs policies, practices and programs for student affairs professionals and the higher education community.

Core Values: The mission of ACPA is founded on, and implements, the following core values of the Association:

  • Education and development of the total student.
  • Diversity, multicultural competence and human dignity.
  • Inclusiveness in and access to association-wide involvement and decision-making.
  • Free and open exchange of ideas in a context of mutual respect.
  • Advancement and dissemination of knowledge relevant to college students and their learning, and the effectiveness of student affairs and student services professionals and their institutions.
  • Continuous professional development and personal growth of student affairs and student services professionals that includes the development of effective administrative leadership and management skills.
  • Outreach and advocacy on issues of concern to students, student affairs and services professionals and the higher and tertiary education community, including affirmative action and other policy issues.

Download a copy of the Media Release (PDF)