Call for Applications!

Interim Director of Equity and Inclusion Appointment Process

ACPA – College Student Educators International seeks applications for Interim Director of Equity and Inclusion to complete the current term from December 2015 – March 2017. This position is a voting member of the ACPA Governing Board and provides strategic direction regarding equity and inclusion for the association.
Position Description
The Director of Equity and Inclusion shall:

  • Serve as Affirmative Action Officer for the Governing Board.
  • Scan the larger environment to understand how issues of equity and inclusion impact the work of the profession, issues of the Association, and the needs and experiences of professionals.
  • Develop a comprehensive plan for equity and inclusion that meets identified needs of the Association.
  • Work closely with the Assembly leadership, serving as ex officio member of the Assembly.
  • Serve on the Nominations and Elections Committee and the Leadership and Training Committee.
  • Serve on the 2018 Convention Chair Selection Committee.
  • Appoint the chair of the Ethics Committee, with approval of the Governing Board.
  • Attend all meetings of the Assembly.
  • Complete the mid-year and end-of-year reports following the guidelines provided by the President and/or International Office staff.
  • Mentor and collaborate with the Director-Elect for Equity and Inclusion.

Be a current member, who has been a member of ACPA for no less than three years and demonstrate effectiveness to fulfill the position description.

  • November 13 – applications due
  • November 16-20 – Nominations and Elections committee review applications and bring two names to the board for consideration. 
  • December 11 – Board votes on candidates and appoints interim director

For questions or more information, contact Gavin Henning, ACPA President.