ACPA implemented its Senior Scholars Program in 1984. ACPA Senior Scholars advocate for the integration of scholarship into the practice of student affairs. Senior Scholars, through the creation of an engaged scholar network, keep abreast of promising work and identify critical issues that could benefit from inquiry and attention. The Senior Scholars Program provides scholars with a continuing opportunity to promote scholarship through the presentation of programs of interest to the profession at each national convention and to serve the association on projects related to their fields of interest.

ACPA Senior Scholars represent the best of engaged scholarship relevant to student affairs work in higher education. Nominees are senior members of the profession (e.g., generally full professors or senior student affairs officers) who have made exemplary and sustained contributions to ACPA’s mission of generating and disseminating knowledge and who have the commitment to further advance research and theory. A maximum of twelve Senior Scholars can hold active membership. Senior Scholars must be or become members of ACPA. Senior Scholars serve terms of five years, spanning six ACPA national conventions, and must attend at least four ACPA national conventions during their terms and be active participants in the work of the Senior Scholars.

To be considered for inclusion in the ACPA Senior Scholars, or to nominate a deserving colleague, please forward name and contact information to Raechele Pope ( in advance of the October 1, 2016 deadline for submission of all application materials. Nominees will be invited to apply for consideration by submitting the following materials: a current CV and short statement addressing each of the following questions. The response to each question should be no more than 250 words.

1. How will being a part of Senior Scholars contribute to your scholarly and professional development? 2. How do your professional and scholarly experiences contribute to the goals of Senior Scholars?
3. What role would you like to see the Senior Scholars play for the association and the field of student affairs?

Submit electronic nominations and/or electronic application materials by October 1, 2016, to the Senior Scholars in care of Raechele Pope (  Please indicated “Senior Scholars Application” in the subject line.  Successful nominees will be notified in December 2016. For additional information, contact Raechele Pope ( or Tracy Davis (