Update: The ACPA Leadership would like to share this article discussing the day of the vote and this article discussing the voting results.

On Tuesday January 28, 2014, the Indiana House of Representatives passed HJR-3, a bill designed to ban gay marriage in the state. A constitutional amendment (similar to those in existence in many states) at this point, the bill remains a number of steps away from being considered as a ballot initiative in Indiana. However, ACPA members are concerned about this recent legislative action and the Association felt it was prudent to update the membership and provide opportunities for discussion during the 2014 Convention in Indianapolis, Indiana on March 30-April 2. The Convention Program Team has identified a panel of educators and scholars who will address the topic of “Enacting Social Justice as a Higher Ed Leader: Case Studies from Indiana and Beyond” on Monday, March 31 at 11:45 a.m.  In addition, we invite proposal/submissions to #ACPATrendingNow for more informal dialogue and discussion among convention attendees.

Meanwhile, Association leaders will continue to monitor the status of these potential legislative actions and provide space for dialogue and discussion. Be assured that the leadership of ACPA is monitoring developments.

Kathleen G. Kerr, ACPA President

Gregory Roberts, Executive Director