Colleagues, you’re invited to add YOUR perspective on RESPECT!    

Where Respect Happens Partners Vertical Image listACPA is incredibly proud to announce Where Respect Happens, an international campaign in partnership with several members of The Student Affairs in Higher Education Consortium (SAHEC).  Where Respect Happens is an opportunity for professionals, students and community members on or connected to college and university campuses to impact the world scene with messages of self-respect and respect for others.   

  • Are you committed to student learning and development?
  • Are you convinced that self-respect and respect for others are at the core of student success?

Then Where Respect Happens is a program that needs you!

We want to know…

  • What drives your commitment?
  • What do you want students to know about your commitment to respect?
  • What will make the difference for a student struggling with issues of self-respect?
  • What do YOU believe will be changed in this world with respect as a commitment for everyone?

Use your smartphone, laptop, tablet…anything that can record your video…and add to the video library of Where Respect Happens!  Then, click here to upload your video!

Check out ACUI’s video here!
Association of College Unions International

Want to know more about Where Respect HappensClick Here!

Resources to Get Involved…

  • T-shirt iron-on transfer design (download now!)
  • Sticker design – for doorframes, windows, car decals, bookbags, backpacks…anything (download now!)
  • Postcard design – send to your entire mailing list (download now!)