Thursday, 7 August 2014 - 5:16pm
Speaking: Gavin Henning, ACPA Vice President
I'm Gavin Henning, Associate Professor of Higher Education at New England College, and here, I am the Vice President for ACPA. And I'm in beautiful Tampa, Florida, at our July Leadership Meeting. This is a meeting that all of the ACPA entity leaders and the leadership of the Governing Board get together for three days of planning and networking to be able to set the stage for what we're going to be doing in the next year.
Speaking: Kent Porterfield, ACPA President
The summer is really about training, development, strategic planning, and an opportunity to build the strong networks that move the Association forward.
Speaking: Sarah Sladek, CEO, XYZ University
What are you going to say to them? What's your pitch? Have these people top of mind. Why should they join? Why should they engage? What's in it for them; how will you make a difference in their lives?
Speaking: Danielle DeSawal, Indiana University
I'm very excited about the innovative and exciting conversation we're having around the future of this Association and how we are going to remain cutting edge in delivering not only professional development opportunities, but also in looking at how it is that we create community both on our campuses and as professional colleagues.
Speaking: Cindi Love, ACPA Executive Director
Communication and trust, alright. Could you do that exercise with people you did not trust?
Or would you?
Speaking: Dwaine Campbell, University of Michigan
The idea of learning and the importance of scholarship is also a value within ACPA. Connecting and memberships--I've been able to connect with people from other universities and talk about my experience as a student affairs professional, as a mental health professional, collaborate and just talk about best practices and things that I can do to improve my services and do the best I can for my students. ACPA gives me all those things, so it's a great organization to be involved with.
Speaking: Kent Porterfield, ACPA President
Convention's here in Tampa. We're very excited; we just announced Laverne Cox as our closing speaker, so we're very excited about that.
Speaking: Kristan Cilente Skendall, #ACPA15 Chair
Our closing speaker is published in Huffington Post and the Advocate and has been an advocate for transgender rights on CNN and other news sources, one of OUT magazine's Top Out 100, has appeared on the cover of TIME magazine, and...
is Emmy nominated...
Laverne Cox!
Speaking: Kent Porterfield, ACPA President
It will be a high-tech conference; folks will have lots of opportunities to interact within a social media context and to use and experience different forms of digital technology. An important way for us to think about ourselves a little bit differently in our opportunities in higher education. We also spent a lot more time at this July Leadership Meeting really thinking about the membership and about the experience that members have in our Association, what makes us unique, what makes us special, what makes us the Association for student affairs professionals and college student educators for the future.
♫Remember all their names,
♫Remember all their faces,
♫Remember all their voices;
♫everything is different...
♫the second time around...