ACPA Colleagues,

In response to what we have been hearing from our membership, we restructured the bylaws creating standard operating procedures in order to allow our structures and processes to be more adaptive to member needs. No substantive changes were made in the process of this.

Some examples of items we moved from the bylaws to Standard Operating Procedures are nomination and election procedures; the role and process of state chapters, international divisions, coalitions, commissions, and communities of practice process; and publications.

The ACPA Governing Board recently approved proposed changes to the ACPA Bylaws which now move forward to a member vote. Members have 30 days to vote on the proposed changes via an electronic ballot members will receive via email. Voting ends on May 7, 2017.

The amended Bylaws can be found here for review.

The proposed Standard Operating Procedures can be found here for review.

For questions, please contact ACPA President Stephen John Quaye at or Deputy Executive Director Tricia Fechter Gates at