The ACPA Bylaws serve as an important articulation of the governance structure and values of the Association. Bylaws, by their nature, serve as the foundation for an association’s structure rather than as an expression of operating policies or procedures. As such, any recommended changes to the Bylaws are considered carefully by the leadership and recommended for membership vote only when it is believed that the changes are of significance. ACPA’s Bylaws state that all members in good standing have the right to vote on Bylaws changes. The vote on the proposed changes will take place at the Annual Business Meeting of the Association on Tuesday, April 1, 2014 in Indianapolis, Indiana.

The Bylaws Committee convened in January 2014 and the committee reached consensus on a proposed amendment to Section 13.03 of the ACPA Bylaws

Rationale for an Amendment to the ACPA Bylaws: 

When the Nominations & Elections Committee was slating candidates for the most recent ACPA election, concerns were raised about the appropriateness of the current elections criteria for the Coordinator of International Members & Divisions position. According to the current Bylaws, those who wish to hold the Assembly Coordinator for International Members & Divisions must have held the position of chair, director or president of an international division. Given the limited number of international divisions, these criteria would seem to severely limit our pool of qualified people for this leadership position. 

The Co-Chairs of the International Members Advisory Board, Chandar Supersad and Chris Moody, are in agreement that a revision or amendment to the Bylaws is needed because the Coordinator of International Members & Divisions serves a broader set of ACPA members, not just those in established chapters or divisions, and it is unrealistic to expect that ACPA can or should continue to recruit from the narrow pool of past chairs, directors or presidents. 

Current Wording in Section: 13.03 of the Bylaws:

At the time of nomination/consideration and thereafter, all Assembly Leaders must be in good standing with the Association. In addition, the Coordinators for Commissions, State Divisions or International Members and Divisions must have held the position of chair, director or president of the entity they wish to represent, and the Coordinator for Standing Committees must have served a term as Chair of a Standing Committee or Chair of a Standing Committee Task Force.

Proposed Amendment to Section 13.03 of the Bylaws:

At the time of nomination/consideration and thereafter, all Assembly Leaders must be in good standing with the Association. In addition:

  • The Coordinators for Commissions must have held the position of a Commission chair;
  • The Coordinator for Standing Committees must have served a term as Chair of a Standing Committee or Chair of a Standing Committee Task Force;
  • The Coordinator of State Divisions must have held the position of a US state chair, director or president;
  • The Coordinator of International Members and Divisions must have demonstrated involvement in ACPA's initiatives germane to international members. This includes, but is not limited to, service on a Task Force; service as chair, director or president of an ACPA charter country or international division; or service as an elected or appointed leader in the Commission for Global Dimensions of Student Development.