from the Coalition for LGBT Awareness (CLGBTA), June 2017

Orlando Memorial with Candles - Photo by Alex C. LangePhoto Credit: Alex C. Lange
Click image for more information

June was chosen for LGBT Pride Month to commemorate the Stonewall riots (led by Transwomen of Color, Marsha “Pay it no Mind” Johnson & Sylvia Rivera), which occurred at the end of June 1969. As a result, many pride events are held during this month to recognize & celebrate the impact Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans, Queer, Asexual (LGBTQA+) people have in the world.

June, 12th 2017 also marks one year since the Pulse shooting in a popular gay nightclub in Orlando, Florida. The domestic terrorist/hate crime event happened to also occur on Latinx night, and the majority of the victims were Latinx and persons of color. We will continue to honor and remember the 49 siblings that were taken from us and the 58 that were wounded on June 12th, which has been deemed Orlando United Day.

The Orlando LGBTQA+ community continues to invite us to join them through #HonorThemWithAction, the national campaign to commemorate the Pulse massacre. More information can be found by visiting:

ACPA's Coalition for LGBT Awareness hopes that you have participated in Pride month in your own way, and continue to do so in honoring the many queer & trans folx that have been taken from us, that have come before us, and that continue to fight today for justice and liberation by increasing your involvement on campus.  We may achieve this specifically through action and coalition building with LGBTQA+ & Ally student, staff, & faculty. We are interested in what is happening on YOUR campuses and in your communities to help create  more inclusive environments for students, staff, and faculty who identify with LGBTQA+ communities.  Are their resource needs met?  Does your campus have a LGBTQA+ center?  How is your campus centering racial justice within LGBTQA+ work? What programs, services, and support are being provided to Queer & Trans Students of Color?

Now is the time to become an active part of what your campus offers and work toward LGBTQA+ equity.

Here's some ways you can take action..

  • Take a few minutes and do a quick search on your campus website to determine what groups/resources are already available.

  • Reach out to campus LGBTQA+ leaders and groups to introduce yourself!

  • Volunteer your time to a program already in the works

  • Advocate for LGBTQA+ inclusive policies on your campus

  • Find out and support the ways your campus is centering Queer & Trans Students of Color.

  • Become involved or start initiatives for institutional inclusion for Transgender students: All Gender Restrooms, Gender Expansive Housing, Chosen Name & Pronouns process, etc.

  • Consider applying for a CLGBTA Practitioner Grant.  The CLGBTA Practitioner Grant provides funding and support for LGBTQI students, faculty and staff, through student organizations, offices or other initiatives on college campuses in their efforts to enhance LGBTQA awareness and develop educational opportunities. Practitioner Grant Description & Application - Application Deadline: 8:00pm EST on Friday, June 23, 2017.

  • Learn about ACPA’s Racial Justice Imperative and support students and colleagues of Color on your campus and internationally.

  • Host professional development for your staff discussing the importance of supporting students and colleagues of Color utilizing this Higher Ed Live Webcast on the Racial Justice Imperative

No Pride for Some without Liberation for All - art by Micah Bazant
Artist: Micah Bazant, Used with Permission