ACPA – College Student Educators International “supports and fosters college student learning through the generation and dissemination of knowledge.” With primary foci of student learning and research and scholarship, ACPA is concerned about the recommendations to Wisconsin State Statute, proposed through a budget motion by its legislature’s Joint Finance Committee.

These recommended changes, which must be passed by the full legislature, call for the following provisions that impact academic freedom, tenure, and shared governance in Wisconsin public colleges and universities. The changes would eliminate tenure by allowing dismissal of faculty in good standing outside of just cause and financial exigency. Shared governance would also be limited, as chancellors would have total oversight of all funds, including student fees. Faculty, staff, and students would serve as “advisors” to chancellors in financial matters.

These recommended changes negate accepted tenets of academic freedom in U.S. higher education outlined by the Association of American University Professors (AAUP) in 1915 and expanded in 1940.

Academic freedom, ensured through tenure, safeguards intellectual autonomy protecting college and university faculty when they teach or research topics that are controversial or when they disagree with authorities. It is essential for high-quality research, teaching, and learning – the main purposes of higher education. As an association that values social justice, academic freedom is essential for challenging societal norms in both discourse and scholarship.

Shared governance is a hallmark of U.S. colleges and universities. While presidents and chancellors are the legitimate leader of these institutions of higher education, faculty, staff, and students should be deeply involved in institutional decision-making. Colleges and universities are communities of learning and scholarship and they cannot function without involvement of all members in decisions that impact the community.

ACPA – College Student Educators International dissents with the proposed changes to Wisconsin statute limiting academic freedom, tenure, and shared governance in its public colleges and universities and urges the Wisconsin Legislature to vote down these recommended revisions.