Dr. Cindi Love, Executive Director

Dear Members and Friends of ACPA—College Student Educators International:

I just completed my first month of official duty as your Executive Director, participated in my first July Leadership Meeting in Tampa, and filed my first monthly report with the Governing Board. Like most of you, part of my work is "doing" and, fortunately, at ACPA, part of my work is "being"—thinking and feeling and observing and sharing.

My 30-day journey into ACPA has been beautiful. It’s been challenging, inspiring, fun, sobering, smooth, and bumpy all at the same time—real life! I am grateful for you and your willingness to help me and hear me and receive me.

I've visited with more than 1,000 members between Convention in Indy and yesterday when the Presidential Task Force on Sexual Violence in Higher Education convened at the International Office in DC. I've visited 11 campuses and seen you in action with students. 

This is what I see and hear and feel about you and ACPA.

I have joined a community of individuals who care deeply about one another, who are resilient and smart, and willing to be vulnerable and admit mistakes. You are willing to learn and change. You feel frustrated when you repeat patterns of behavior that diminish students as well as one another. You are aspirational, inspirational, reflective, committed, and really good at what you do.

Our office team wants to mirror your strengths and support you. We've reorganized ourselves into two teams of responsibility and responsiveness:

Tricia Fechter is now the "permanent" Deputy Executive Director. Inside the office, we call Tricia the Lead Global Strategist for Innovation and Implementation. Chris reports directly to Tricia. The new organizational chart is below, and we’ve updated our staff page to reflect new titles, roles, and responsibilities along with new telephone numbers for most of us. 

Image of ACPA Organizational Chart

Click the Image to Enlarge

Thanks to your generosity, we have been able to replace our 14-year-old telephone system with Voice Over Internet Protocol (or VOIP) system. The monthly cost is less, and the functionality is higher so we can improve our responsiveness to you.

When you need us, you still call 202-835-2272. Our e-mail addresses are the same.

I really like the theme for our upcoming Convention in Tampa because I think it reflects the essential nature of ACPAers—Consider. Collaborate. Create. Commit.

Thank you for welcoming me and helping me learn.


Cindi Love