Dr. Cindi Love, Executive Director

Dear Colleagues,

I am pleased to share an online publication by Online Reputation Management as a free resource for professionals and those starting to look for a first job. 

Read the excerpt below.

The Ultimate Guide to Online Reputation Management for Professionals

Google is the first place we turn to when we want to find out more about someone. 92% of hiring managers do it, potential dates and clients do it, even work contacts will Google you. Will they like what they find?

In our online reputation guide for professionals, you'll learn why your reputation is so important, and essential steps you can take to improve your reputation as a professional. Whether you're a seasoned expert or just starting out in your career, this guide offers the essentials for creating a great reputation online.

Your Online Reputation Makes a Difference

Think your reputation doesn't matter? Think again. Online reputation management is essential to your success as a professional, no matter what industry you're in.

Critical Moments for Your Reputation

Your online reputation might not be a daily concern for most professionals, but it should be on your mind at all times, and an effort that you keep up with regularly. Why? You never know when you'll need to have a great reputation -- and that need could pop up unexpectedly at any time, so you should always be prepared. As a professional, you need a great reputation for critical moments including:

  • Finding a job
  • Developing a business
  • Seeking out partnerships
  • Attracting clients
  • Earning a great review, promotion, or raise
  • Networking
  • Collaborating with coworkers and colleagues
  • Applying for a loan
  • Speaking with the press
  • Working with clients

If you're not worried about ever finding a new job, client, or partnership, then maybe -- maybe -- your reputation is no large concern. But keep in mind that a great reputation, both online and offline, is a vehicle for growth in your career. Neglect your reputation, and you neglect your future.  (READ MORE)

(from https://www.reputationmanagement.com/professionals/  ©2015 OnlineReputationManagement.com)