Headshot of Gregory RobertsToday, April 16, 2013, is the sixth anniversary of the Virginia Tech massacre, the deadliest mass shooting in U.S. history.  32 people were killed and 30 more were injured.  How ironic that yesterday at the conclusion of the Boston Marathon, our world experienced another senseless and faceless attack on innocent people in the U.S.

It is time for violence in the U.S. to be addressed.  What are we teaching our young children about civility, respect, tolerance, acceptance and privilege?  We must be honest with ourselves and with those around us, that this behavior cannot continue.  There must be other ways to vent frustration, deal with mental illness, and curb the desire for dishonesty and to harm others.

We are surrounded by violence.  It’s on the television, in the movies, on the internet, in the streets, and in our homes.  There is so much hurt and pain in the world.  We have the right and power to address this problem civilly and expediently.  But if we do not start somewhere, nothing will change, and we will never move forward.

Note the sobering 2012 statistics below:

Virginia Tech (VA) – (30)
Sandy Hook Elementary School (MA) – 28
Aurora Theater  (CO) – (12)
Seattle Café (WA) – 6
Oikos University (CA) – 7
Accent Signage System (MN) – 7
Sikh Temple (WI) – 7
Su Jung Health Sauna (GA) – 5
and hundreds wounded

Join me in saying “enough is enough”.  Together we can make a meaningful difference.  Let’s work to make sure Virginia Tech doesn’t happen again, by seeking peace…through understanding.
