Carmen Guevara Neuberger, E.D.

ACPA-College Student Educators International joins our higher education and student affairs colleagues in mourning the passing of Carmen Guevara Neuberger, ACPA’s Executive Director from 1995 to 2003, on Wednesday, 5 September, 2018. Our condolences and best wishes are extended to Dr. Neuberger’s family, friends, and to colleagues mentored and influenced by her reach throughout her full and rich life.

Before serving ACPA as its first Executive Director, Dr. Neuberger was president of The Tuition Exchange, a nonprofit educational organization that administers a national scholarship exchange program, Dean of Students and Associate Vice Provost for Student Life at American University, and Dean of Educational Services/Student Affairs at Dickinson College in Pennsylvania. More recently, she was with the executive search, consulting, and training firm of Greenwood/Asher & Associates, Inc.

Carmen’s influence extended broadly across higher education, as she also served in leadership roles with the Council for the Advancement of Standards (CAS), Southern Regional and Middle States Accreditation associations, National Catholic Education Association, National Association of Women Deans, Administrators, and Counselors, National Association of Student Personnel Administrators, Mortar Board, Phi Kappa Phi, and the Western New England College Board of Trustees. Dr. Neuberger was recognized in 1997 with the Ethnic Woman of Achievement Award from the National Association of Women in Education and in 1999 as an ACPA Diamond Honoree. Carmen’s contributions to higher education, student affairs, and ACPA will continue on through her planned estate gift as a member of the ACPA Foundation’s Heritage Society, and we are incredibly grateful for her ongoing generosity.

We will honor Dr. Neuberger’s life and lasting legacy with a memorial resolution at our Annual Convention in Boston on Tuesday, March 5, 2019.

Read Carmen's full obituary