ACPA Standing Committee for Women Blog

Coalition for Women's Identities
The Complexities of Addressing Sexual Violence on Campus Over the course of the past eight months, the issue of sexual violence on college campuses has received increased attention in mainstream media and among student affairs educators. Commonly referred to as a “women’s issue,” sexual violence is a complex and multi-faceted topic that requires increased attention and resources on our campuses...

Service-Learning: Reframing Mindsets, Developing Students

Coalition for Women's Identities
I developed the title for this blog well in advance of the service trip I lead to New York City in conjunction with the Assistant Dean for Fraternity & Sorority Life & Leadership at UTC. I had no idea that when I typed “reframing mindsets”, that I would be referring to my own. Prior to my moving to the South, I had spent a year living just outside New York City and was seriously worried...

Expect the Unexpected

Coalition for Women's Identities
Before I made the mini-trek from Maryland to North Carolina last summer, I wondered if graduate school would be one of those experiences my mother always warned me about. I still hear her voice as clear as the day when she told me, “There will come a time and place where others will test you, but there will also be a time where you will need to test others.” Sounds like a yoda-ism right? It wasn’...

“Paying it Forward” as a Feminist Educator: Lessons Learned on the Journey from Dissertation Writer to Dissertation Committee Member

Coalition for Women's Identities
One of the most joyful parts of being a faculty member is the chance to begin paying forward all that was given to me as a doctoral student by my terrific adviser and dissertation chair, Dr. Susan Robb Jones, and my other graduate school mentors. One way to do so is to share what I have learned with communities like the Standing Committee for Women. Now that I’m on this side of the real and...

Student Activists in Sexual Assault Prevention

Coalition for Women's Identities
The million dollar question in higher education has always been “How do we engage students?” We have theories to explain the benefit of engagement, yet when the moment comes to put on an event many times the students do not show up. During this month of April, as we put on sexual assault events, we need students present. So how can we do this? We need to find our foot soldiers. When we find the...