Feminist Praxis and the Gender Binary: An ACPA CWI Twitter Chat

Coalition for Women's Identities
The link below is to a twitter chat about Feminist Praxis and the Gender Binary took place on Friday, February 19, 2016. It featured the 2014-2016 Scholars in Residence, Dr. D-L Stewart and Dr. Rosemary Perez. ACPA CWI shares this storify in the hope and commitment to continue the conversation. https://storify.com/acpacwi/feminist-praxis-and-the-gender-binary

Don't Supervise Us the Same: Intersectionality in Positions of Leadership

Coalition for Women's Identities
Don’t Supervise Us The Same: Intersectionality in Positions of Leadership Supervision conversations in Student Affairs are often driven by discussions of leadership styles. Though it is important for us to teach and learn the two dominating practices in the field, integrated development and synergistic supervision, these conversations are often incomplete without considering the cultural...

Continuing to Stand Up & Say Black Lives Matter

Coalition for Women's Identities
Continuing to Stand Up & Say Black Lives Matter This blog post is a revision of a speech I gave in November 2014. After hearing about the attack on a young Black girl in a classroom at Spring Valley High School by the resource officer, I felt that this post is appropriate to encourage all of us to continue to stand up and say Black Lives Matter. “I must make two honest confessions to you, my...

Good Girl, Bad Feminist?

Coalition for Women's Identities
Good Girl, Bad Feminist? This summer, I transitioned into my first professional role. Leaving graduate school provided me with a great opportunity to build new relationships and my professional brand or image. Transitions are complicated for many reasons, with first impressions as one of the biggest challenges. On my first day, I immediately recognized that I am the youngest full time...

I Learned to Protect the People Who Hate Me

Coalition for Women's Identities
I Learned To Protect the People Who Hate Me “To be woman and Black is to be magic Is to be the witch that wouldn’t burn
 Is to survive the White man with their needles and nooses To be Black, and woman, and alive is to be resilient.” — Crystal Valentine and Aaliyah Jihad, 2015 College Unions Poetry Slam A few weeks ago a friend tagged me on Facebook. It was a video of two amazing slam poets,...