3 Ways Research, Writing, and Professional Preparedness Impact Academic Support

Commission for Academic Support in Higher Education
I often critique student development theory and our approaches to higher education due to the blatant exclusion on which our field was developed. Student affairs, and higher education more broadly, was created within specific contexts and have a history of focusing nearly exclusively on white, cis, heterosexual, upper-class men. This means many of the customs and traditions we employ today...

Directorate Spotlight: Amanda Davis (Co-Webinar Chair 2016-2017)

Commission for Academic Support in Higher Education
Name: Amanda Davis Position on Board: Co-Webinar Chair Institutions & Job Title: Colorado School of Mines, Academic Advisor How long on the directorate? Since March 2016 What have been some significant experiences about being engaged/involved in ACPA CASHE? I just started with the directorate so I am still learning the ways things work. However, I have learned that Twitter is really big...

Supporting Future Student Affairs Professionals

Commission for Academic Support in Higher Education
by Anne Scheideler Sweet Careers in Student Affairs Month isn't until October, but the spring conference season has practically beaten me over the head with examples of the roles we play in shaping the careers of our students. Many people caution against actively recruiting our undergraduate stars into higher education professions, and advise us not to indulge the desire to stay in college...

Directorate Spotlight: James D. Breslin (Past Chair 2015-2016)

Commission for Academic Support in Higher Education
Our second post in the Directorate Spotlight series features James D. Breslin. Ph.D. Institution and Job Title Dean of Student Success Bellarmine University Time on the Directorate 2013-present, I served as chair 2014-2016 Significant experiences from involvement: My time on the directorate board has lead to so many rich, meaningful experiences! I've been fortunate to make so many amazing...