The Presidential Candidates and Their Potential Impact on Student Affairs

Senior-Level Community of Practice
The Presidential Candidates and Their Potential Impact on Student Affairs By, Steve Schuh, Winthrop University Introduction As you most likely know, the election for President of the United States is right around the corner. Whether you feel the Bern or think Donald Trump will make America great again, chances are that you’re at least somewhat familiar with a few of the candidates. There have...

Greetings from Francy!

Senior-Level Community of Practice
Bonjour ACPA CAL Members! Convention is just around the corner and we are excited to see you! The Commission for Administrative Leadership (CAL) is the ACPA commission that focuses on professionals' leadership development throughout their careers, from entry-level to seasoned professional status. To that end, we created a new blog format this year that highlights CAL members' experiences of their...

I Viaggi della Generalista (The Travels of the Generalist) - Continued

Senior-Level Community of Practice
Fast forward back to that initial introduction to the Villa Maderni, and there I stood outside those castle like doors, scared, nervous, anxious, excited, confused…all emotions that were currently raging war on each other in my heart and mind. But as I entered the Villa, and minutes turned to hours, hours to days, days to weeks, and weeks to months those emotions transitioned to joy, reverence,...

I Viaggi della Generalista (The Travels of the Generalist)

Senior-Level Community of Practice
By: Jeff Yacup, Assistant Director, Illinois Leadership Center - University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign The sun was creeping over the mountains, peering just into my window, warming my face. The road signs rushed by in a very disorienting manner, cars and drivers somewhat different than I expect, and the driver smiled comfortably at me sensing my uneasiness…I would have liked to thank her,...

Welcome to the CAL Blog!

Senior-Level Community of Practice
Greetings from August – or more accurately, the start of our academic year! As usual, the summer has flown by. Every year I hear my colleagues remark on how incredibly busy summer feels. We wrap up the prior year as we start moving to the next. I refer to summers as “in-betweening,” when we concurrently put attention on completing some of those important projects that we just could not get to, re...