Semester at Sea – Creating Global Citizens One Shipful at a Time

Commission for Global Dimensions of Student Development
By Elaine Deutsch Mind-blowing…eye opening…life changing….the experience of a lifetime….. These are all expressions that are used frequently when people who have sailed a semester (or more) on Semester at Sea. Everyone knows that a study abroad semester is interesting and greatly enhances a student’s education by allowing them to experience real life situations in environments different from the...

Supporting your foreign-born colleagues in their job search

Commission for Global Dimensions of Student Development
By Gudrun Nyunt, Ph.D Job searching is never fun – it takes up a ton of time and, with its ups and downs, often feels like a draining, never-ending emotional roller coaster. Many of us face some additional hurdles or challenges in our job searches – we may be location-bound, may be going through a dual job search with a partner (whether that partner also works in higher education or not) or may...

The Power of a Creative Portfolio in Your Job Search

Commission for Global Dimensions of Student Development
By Janice Yu Cheng I am in terrific company here on the blog for the Commission for Global Dimensions of Student Development. You can find valuable personal anecdotes and evidence-based advice on a variety of topics related to the experience of international students in the United States and U.S. student affairs professionals abroad. I offer my own story to this collection and hope that my...

Why I chose Student Affairs?

Commission for Global Dimensions of Student Development
By Kriti Gopal Nine years ago, I had no idea that student affairs and higher education administration was a field of study one could pursue in college in the United States (U.S.). However, when I learned about it, I was thrilled and knew that my skills could fit well into a variety of areas within the realm of student affairs. It all began after I had the opportunity to begin my undergraduate...

A Different Perspective on Sustainability

Commission for Global Dimensions of Student Development
By Cody Rosenbarker Sustainability is a big buzz word lately. In the U.S., many schools are competing to become the most sustainable, showing off their "green" features, and boosting their image through caring for the environment. College students in various majors are being trained to develop new technologies to lessen or mitigate greenhouse gasses, address the disproportionate impact on certain...