Thursday, 2 April 2015 (All day)

Image of Everyone Matters Poster

This year, a projected 500 schools and 100 cities will collaborate - building on the schools in 15 states and 4 countries which organized “Everyone Matters” over the past year.  15 global cities proclaimed April 2 last year as “Everyone Matters Day.” 

We also encourage your school joining ACPA schools around the world who are hosting “Everyone Matters Day” on April 2 - so your diverse population can celebrate and affirm their own individuality and personhood, and support dignity and respect for all.

Everyone Matters president HeathCliff Rothman has invited ACPA members to outreach to him directly, to initiate a collaboration, or for further information, at

Here’s a brief downloadable pdf overview - offering a few suggested activities that might be considered as freestanding events or piggybacking on existing events, as well as Everyone Matters Day, on April 2, 2015.

ACPA is one of many leading organizations who are supporting Everyone Matters, including The Special Olympics, The Desmond Tutu Peace Centre, National Association of Secondary School Principals, Student Affairs Administrators, Special Olympics, National Association of College and University Residences, NAACP, GLAAD, Trevor Project, Human Rights Campaign, Association of American People with Disabilities.  Global leaders who are supporting Everyone Matters – and whose inspiration statements of support are part of the ongoing movement – include Sir Paul McCartney, Ellen DeGeneres, Hugh Jackman, General Colin Powell, the Dalai Lama, Kevin Spacey, Nicole Kidman, Daniel Craig, Archbishop Desmond Tutu and others.

ACPA is proud to join the illustrious national and international partners and global figures united under a joint banner message affirming everyone’s equal right to dignity and respect!