Sixty-Sixth PresidentImage of Gregory Blimling

As the new Vice President for Student Affairs at Rutgers University, Greg Blimling assumed the ACPA presidency in the midst of change. Blimling first joined ACPA in 1974 and has participated in every convention since. In addition to his role on the Executive Council, Blimling also served as the Editor of the Journal of College Student Development and as an ACPA Senior Scholar. He served as Co-Chair of the Principles of Good Practice Task Force and was a member of the NASPA/ACPA Consolidation Blue Ribbon Committee.

During Blimling’s presidency, ACPA held a successful convention in Indianapolis. The ACPA Indianapolis 2006 Annual Convention featured Dr. John Merrow and Dr. Michael Lomax as the keynote speakers. Additionally, the Indianapolis convention was the first to offer Convention Symposiums to provide attendees with information on cutting-edge research from leading scholars. It was also at the 2006 convention that the Convention Carnival was renamed the Convention Showcase to better reflect its purpose as an opportunity for convention attendees to learn about all of what ACPA entities offer.

Not only was the convention under Blimling’s leadership a success, but ACPA also continued its journey to a new governance structure during his presidency. The Governance Task Force, created during Jeanne Steffes’ first term as president, continued into Blimling’s presidency. The Executive Council contributed to the information that the Governance Task Force used in creating the governance structure employed by ACPA in 2011.

Blimling continues in his role at Rutgers University. During his tenure, the University has undergone significant changes keeping him busy. Blimling lives in Hillsborough, NJ with his wife.