ACPA-College Student Educators International Announces Marylu McEwen Dissertation of the Year Award Recipient – Dr. Z. Nicolazzo

We are excited to announce this year’s recipient and extend our congratulations to Dr. Nicolazzo! Dr. Nicolazzo’s dissertation is titled, "Just Go In Looking Good": The Resilience, Resistance, And Kinship-Building Of Trans* College Students”. Hir dissertation was completed at Miami University-Ohio, under the direction of Dr. Elisa Abes.  Hir dissertation abstract provides a brief overview of the research. 

One by One, Put Down Our Guns

HuffPost article by Cindi Love, Ed. D.

The most recent mass shooting at Umpqha Community College has catalyzed public debate about restrictions on the ownership and carrying of firearms on campuses.

If anything good can come out of the repetitive tragedies of school shootings, perhaps it is the fact that we cannot speak about campus violence without speaking of violence in society as a whole.  (read more @HuffPost)

ACPA Statement on Mass Murder

All violence is the result of people tricking themselves into believing that their pain derives from other people and that consequently those people deserve to be punished.  ~Marshall B. Rosenberg, Nonviolent Communication: A Language of Life

1 October 2015 - On this date, 26-year old Christopher Harper Mercer entered the “gun free zone” of Umpqua Community College and murdered nine people, wounded nine individuals and terrorized thousands more.

ACPA President Gavin Henning said:

Updates from Washington - September 2015

Federal Budget News - Shutdown averted

Con­gress has aver­ted a mid­night shut­down, as the House on Wed­nes­day af­ter­noon fol­lowed the Sen­ate’s ex­ample by eas­ily passing a tem­por­ary spend­ing bill fund­ing the gov­ern­ment through Decem­ber 11.