Team Changes and Additions to Support our Growing Community

Dr. Cindi Love, Executive Director

Dear ACPA Members, I am very pleased to announce several staff team changes and additions to support our growing ACPA community. Carlos Chavez, Senior Lead for Team Convene (Convention and all face-to-face events as well as collaboration with Team Belong (membership) and Team Impression & Impact (digital and other media) Ankur Ponda, Senior Lead for Team Belong (Membership & Recruitment)...

Careers in Student Affairs: Reflections from Cindi Love

Dr. Cindi Love, Executive Director

To wrap up our Careers in Student Affairs Month celebrations, we are happy to have ACPA Executive Director Cindi Love share a personal reflection on her experience in the field. Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail. -Ralph Waldo Emerson I am an unlikely candidate for a job in student affairs so I feel very fortunate to "break into" the field in a...

The Department of Education Announces the Final Rules on Campus Sexual Assault

Dr. Cindi Love, Executive Director

On Monday, October 20, 2014 the Department of Education announced the final rules on the changes to the Clery Act by the VAWA Reauthorization Act of 2013 . These new rules are will take effect July 2015 and are similar to what the Department released in June. These rules are also inline with the mission of our Presidential Task Force on Sexual Violence in Higher Education and our resources . Here...

Valerie Glassman - Careers in Student Affairs Spotlight

As part of Careers in Student Affairs Month, we have invited individuals from different ACPA entities to share their unique perspectives on the field through Career Spotlight Q&A pages.  We hope these will be a valuable resource for individuals considering work or graduate school in student affairs and higher education.  This submission is from Valerie Glassman, representing the Commission for Student Conduct and Legal Issues (CSCLI).  For more information on the Commission's work, please visit their webpage.