#ACPA15 Registration Rates are Now More Global and Inclusive

As we continue to expand access to ACPA Convention to a global population, it is necessary to offer a more inclusive registration structure that increases attendance opportunities.

Early registration pricing is lower, and Convention attendees are encouraged to begin planning in advance to reduce their total conference costs. Early registration runs from the beginning of the 2014 Convention through 11:59pm on December 19, 2014.

Regular registration will now run from 12:00am on December 19, 2014, to 11:59pm Friday, February 6, 2015.

Keeping Guns Off Campus

During the closing days of the spring 2014 semester, active shooters terrorized the University of California, Santa Barbara and Seattle Pacific University. Once again, our students, faculty and staff were put in harms way through these senseless acts of gun violence. In all, these two incidents left 8 dead and 15 wounded. Countless others will be affected in the future by the emotional trauma of these two senseless acts of violence.

Women's Equality Day

Today (August 26) is Women's Equality Day.

That day was designated in 1971 through the activism of Congresswoman Bella Abzug.

Bella chose to commemorate the 1920 passage of the 19th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, granting women the right to vote. The first women’s rights convention, in Seneca Falls, New York, in 1848, was the official start of that struggle.

72 years later, the 19th amendment passed on August 18, 1920. Women could now vote.

Darren Pierre - Member of the Week

Where do I begin? My involvement in ACPA has been pivotal in my understanding of student affairs as a vocation. As Chair of the Commission for Student Involvement, I was invited to see firsthand the incredible work being done by professionals across the globe. Beyond my campus, I saw the impact meaningful engagement experiences are having on the students we serve. Finally, ACPA has connected me with some of the most dynamic professionals I have ever encountered, many of which have transcended being colleagues to people I call dear friends.