How has ACPA membership furthered your personal, career, or professional development?

Tell us your story for a chance to be featured as our member of the week!

Share Your Story

Shetina Jones - Member of the Week

As a graduate student, I was passionate about the field and full of energy. During one of my graduate courses, I heard an announcement that the Michigan College Personnel Association (MCPA) was looking for volunteers for the Annual Conference. After volunteering, I was encouraged to join the leadership team. I learned so much during my terms as Secretary, Annual Conference Chair, and as President of the association. I grew up in MCPA!

Bob Coffey - Member of the Week

I’ve been a member of ACPA since 1998. Since that time I’ve changed positions, functional areas, and institutions. ACPA has kept up with me every step of the way. Through membership I have access to relevant and timely professional development opportunities, both during and beyond Convention. I’ve had the chance to collaborate and lead alongside colleagues from across the U.S. and around the world. And I’ve had access to rigorous scholarship, best practices, and new ideas through the Journal of College Student Development and About Campus.