Submit your program proposal by August 3, 2020.

ACPA, NASPA, and NCLP invite proposals from professionals from across the academy committed to promoting leadership in education. We welcome your submission for this dynamic event and invite you to join us to optimize your own programs and services in the company of other colleagues from across the nation.

The conference planning committees encourage proposals regarding proven practices with content that will engage participants in fruitful discussions and provide meaningful content to bring back to their campuses.

Successful Proposals Should Include:

  1. Lengthy description about session content that you will present.

  2. Relationship of the program to the conference themes outlined on the website.

  3. Identification of the program format including methods for participant involvement (e.g., discussion, effective practice sharing, case study analysis).

  4. Evidence of the conceptual foundation for proposal content including ways the program content is grounded in research, relevant experience, a cogent model, or appropriate theory.

Session Types:

Sessions at #LEI20 will take the following formats:

  • General Interest (60 minutes): The most common educational opportunity at the conference, usually consisting of the presentation of a program, data, research, or theoretical concept followed by audience questions and brief discussion.
  • Learning Lab (30 minutes): Designed to give participants actionable ideas and tools to take back to their campus. Presenters will share ideas for 20 minutes, followed by 10 minutes for questions. An example of a session title appropriate for this format is "10 New Ideas to Utilize Technology in Leadership Education."
  • Roundtable Discussion (60 minutes): Less formal ways to engage other attendees around a central topic or program area. Roundtable discussion sessions will be held concurrently throughout the event in a specific space. Facilitators usually provide a brief introduction to a topic (5-10 minutes) and then lead a discussion with several prompting questions. 
  • Please note: because roundtables are meant to generate discussion and engagement amongst participants, there will be NO A/V used in any roundtable sessions. This includes: no PowerPoint or similar presentations, audio or video clips, etc. No A/V will be provided or permitted for roundtable sessions. 
  • Scholarly Paper (10-15 minutes): Provide an opportunity for presenters to briefly share a synopsis and key findings from scholarly papers as part of a 60-minute education session. For each session, three to four papers with similar themes will be presented by scholars (10-15 minutes per paper, 40-45 minutes total). There will not be a discussant for these sessions but a moderator will a discussion between the authors and audience. Scholarly papers often focus on results of quantitative, qualitative, or mixed methods studies or report the findings of studies that use historical and philosophical methods.
  • Poster Session: Designed for sharing research or program evaluation. Participants will visually represent their data and present their content during the opening reception. 
  • Pre-conference Workshop (Half-day, 3-hours): Offered the morning before the beginning of the conference, full-day workshops are designed as highly specialized opportunities to discuss a specific topic or program. Pre-conference sessions will require participants to pre-register for a fee.
  • Pre-conference Workshop (Full-day, 8 hours): Full-day programs held prior to the conference (will occur on Sunday, June 28). These events are usually coordinated directly with the applicable conference committee or a related NASPA constituent group. Full-day pre-conference workshops will require participants to pre-register for a fee.

Learn more about the #LEI20 Themes

Equitable Leadership

Sessions in this theme will contain substantial content in one of the following areas:

  • Integrations of identity development, cultural relevance, social justice, equity, and inclusion in leadership education
  • Application of critical theory and equitable practices in the design of curricular and co-curricular leadership programs
  • Leadership development models, theories, research and strategies that engage scholars and practitioners in the disruption and decolonization of research and practice
  • Navigating your own social identities in facilitation and implementation of leadership education

Leadership Curriculum and Programs

Sessions in this theme will contain substantial content in one of the following areas:

  • Credit and non-credit courses with unique and innovative syllabi, curriculum, and pedagogy
  • Successful cohort-based leadership programs (i.e. emerging leaders, multi-year programs, identity groups, leadership studies programs)
  • Strategies for overcoming development issues and lack of funding for leadership programs
  • Supporting partnerships between academic affairs and student affairs

Leadership Development Theory and Models

Sessions in this theme will contain substantial content in one of the following areas:

  • Effective strategies for translating theory into practice for today's diverse student population
  • Application of leadership theory and models in student learning and development
  • Translation and application of leadership theories to leadership skills
  • Consideration of developmental readiness when planning and implementing programs

Leadership in Context

Sessions in this theme will contain substantial content in one of the following areas:

  • Connections between leadership education and student activism, civic engagement, and/or political engagement
  • Role of leadership education in career readiness and development of professional competencies
  • Intersections of leadership education and other functional areas such as service-learning, multicultural education, and international education
  • Interdisciplinary approaches to leadership education through various academic and curricular settings
  • Explorations of the purpose, aims, and intentions of leadership education
  • Professional and identity development of leadership educators

Technology, Research, and Assessment in Leadership Programs

Sessions in this theme will contain substantial content in one of the following areas:

  • Evidence-based practice including assessment findings and implications from leadership programs
  • Connections between leadership education, student success, and persistence
  • Use of technology to facilitate leadership development (i.e. virtual portfolios, social media, digital communities, and communication)
  • New research and scholarship with implications on leadership education and practice
  • Applying the new CAS Standards for Student Leadership Programs, International Leadership Association Guiding Questions, or other guiding documents in the field for program development and review