Update on Houston Advocacy Efforts

Last month, Deputy Director Tricia Fechter Gates and I met with key officials in Houston regarding the repeal of HERO and our concerns about welcome and safety for all of our members in Houston.

All of the individuals and organizations with whom we met were opposed to the repeal and expressed disappointment and frustration that a small group of voters were able to achieve reversal of the human rights ordinance.

If not Us, then Who? : ACPA, Democracy and Our Students

10 January 2016

Today, as I am reading the Washington Post, an article by Jonathan Capehart, entitled "An LGBT Rights Fight on the Horizon" has reminded me of our obligation as public colleges and universities universities charged to uphold a democratic mission.

I think it is important for ACPA members to hear what he is suggesting and think about potential impact on students we support, the campus climates we endeavor to create, and the challenges to be who and what we are mandated to do and be.

2016 Election Results

ACPA 2015 Governance Elections
15 December 2015

2015 ACPA Governance Election Results
Please join us in congratulating these outstanding newly elected ACPA leaders who will serve us and our association well!

Governing Board Positions
Vice President
Stephen John Quaye

Director of Equity and Inclusion (Elect)
Mary Tregoning

Member at Large, Senior Level (Elect) 
James Breslin

Human Rights Day 2015: The Truth is Hard

Human dignity is at the core of human rights. Without dignity, none of the protections of the various legal human rights mechanisms have any real meaning, which is why the concept has held, and continues to hold, a central place in the international human rights.
Without dignity as the central organizing principle of our policies and practices on higher education campuses, none of our attempts to create equity and inclusion will hold together.