Dr. Cindi Love, Executive Director

Dr. Cindi Love:

When you are asked to tell people about your life, it's a temptation, I think, to list all the things you've done. But, those are easy for you to read as members of ACPA. I really want to talk to you about what I think is my living résumé.

It started in public education, in K-12, and went to higher education. And from there to work in pastoral counseling with young children and a lot of different directions. But what I learned from all of those experiences was what I learned in the very earliest days of Locust Elementary, what really matters in my life is what kind of impact and relationship can I have with people? Does it help them or does it harm them? And I want to choose to help.

Every experience that I've had, at MIT with The Birthing of Giants program; at Harvard with the fellows who came there from the Victory Fund to decide how state and local officials can best serve their constituencies; to the work that I did in corporate America as a senior executive and as an entrepreneur.

Every experience I've had has demonstrated to me that what really matters in the world is inclusion and equity and access.

If you don't have those things the world doesn't work right; someone suffers and someone wins. I love ACPA for that reason. The core values of ACPA are what draw me to the organization and draw me to the membership. It's my hope that every college campus where a student goes today, regardless of where they're coming from; is a place where they feel safe, where they feel supported, where they feel energized, where they feel catalyzed to bring into their lives all of the things that they dream of. If I can have any small part in creating that kind of space in the world, then I will finish my life feeling like I've done well.

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