Image of Cynthia Love

Dr. Cindi Love officially assumed the role of Executive Director of ACPA—College Student Educators International on July 1, 2014.

“The ACPA Governing Board has unanimously selected Dr. Cynthia Love to be our next Executive Director,” said Dr. Kathleen G. Kerr, 2013-2014 ACPA President.“In 2014, as ACPA celebrates its 90th year, we need a leader who has a vision for how ACPA will build upon and advance nine decades of leadership to higher and tertiary education and the student affairs field. Dr. Love has a commitment to ACPA’s core values and mission and a capacity to strategically guide the association forward. The Governing Board has great confidence Love will develop rich and meaningful relationships with ACPA members and our partners within the higher and tertiary education community worldwide.”

Dr. Love’s background uniquely positions her to assume this post. With significant experience in higher education, for-profit and non-profit management, and social justice work, Love will advance the Association’s current strategic plan and guide our future contributions to higher education and student services globally.

Download her Extended Bio  (PDF)

Download her Media Release Announcement (PDF)

Read her blog entries for The Huffington Post

Implementing our Core Values Equity and Inclusion

Dr. Cindi Love, Executive Director

As we conclude 2014, ACPA is deeply engaged in actionable and measurable efforts to implement our core values and, most particularly, equity and inclusion. During the last quarter of 2014, we organized and facilitated six community dialogues entitled Constructing Inclusion in six states. Following the non-indictments in Ferguson and New York, we hosted four free national webinars Confronting...

Congress Wraps Up 2014

Dr. Cindi Love, Executive Director

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Join Us for Our December 18, 2014 Community Conversation

Dr. Cindi Love, Executive Director

On December 2, 7, and 9 almost 200 people assembled on-line for the first three Community Conversations: Confronting Reality & Doing What Matters to Get Things Right. Dr. Tanya Williams and Dr. Kathy O’Bear facilitated the first one. Dafina-Lazarus Stewart and Z Nicolazzo led the next one. Heather Lou and I convened the third one. The fourth Conversation is scheduled December 18 at 4:30 pm...

Today is Human Rights Day

Dr. Cindi Love, Executive Director

The UN General Assembly proclaimed 10 December as Human Rights Day in 1950, to bring to the attention ‘of the peoples of the world’ the Universal Declaration of Human Rights as the common standard of achievement for all peoples and all nations. This year’s slogan, Human Rights 365 , encompasses the idea that every day is Human Rights Day. It celebrates the fundamental proposition in the Universal...

Continuing the Community Conversation: Confronting Reality & Doing What What Matters to Get Things Right

Dr. Cindi Love, Executive Director

On December 2, 2014, we gathered for the first Community Conversation: Confronting Reality & Doing What What Matters to Get Things Right. Dr. Tanya Williams and Dr. Kathy O’Bear brought us together in a webinar format. I want to thank Dr. Williams and Dr. O’Bear for giving their time to this on-going work of ACPA to liberate all of us from internalized and structural racism. I also want to...