Symposium on the Recruitment and Retention of Students of Color
Monday, 14 April 2014 - 9:00am to Tuesday, 15 April 2014 - 12:00pm

Location: Indianapolis, Indiana, USA

Register Online

How can you strengthen your recruitment of students of color, while also helping more of these students persist and graduate? Join us at this informative symposium to hear what campuses are doing to enroll and engage students of color more successfully. Keynote speakers, campus presenters, and enrollment experts will present 20 sessions on a wide range of topics, including:

  • Communicating with and recruiting prospective students of color
  • Retaining and graduating more students of color
  • Improving student success programming and research
  • Building institutional commitment to diversity

Who it's for

The Symposium is ideal for senior-level administrators, committees, and
campus professionals who are responsible for:

  • Enrollment management
  • Student recruitment and admissions
  • Student retention
  • Campus diversity initiatives
  • Academic affairs
  • Campus marketing
  • Academic advising

Consider bringing a team to begin building consensus among your colleagues for desired changes.

Valuable online resources

Informative online materials will be available to each
attendee, including:

• Online access to most of the symposium presentations 
• Online articles and papers on recent trends in enrollment and diversity planning
• National and regional student enrollment data
• Recent research and other resources that relate to recruiting and retaining students of color

Convened by Noel-Levitz and ACPA