ACPA Books and Media (BAM) is seeking an Editor to begin in March 2014. We are seeking individuals with a research background and a record of scholarly productivity. The publication themes range from history to theory to practice applications.  We strive to publish “cutting edge” information that is not available elsewhere.  ACPA is committed to issues related to student learning, human development, diversity, human dignity, community, and professional renewal.  BAM strives to publish at least two books a year. 

The BAM Editor has primary responsibility for the work of the Books and Media board, including soliciting and assisting in the development of proposals for new works; support of book authors and editors as they develop manuscripts; selection, training, and supervision of the associate editors and review board members; and keeping the ACPA International Office, Governing Board, and the publisher informed of the status of all projects. 

Download the complete details of the position. (PDF)

Application Procedure

Please submit (a) an application letter addressing the responsibilities and qualifications of the editor position, (b) a current resume/CV, and (c) a writing sample, preferably from a published work.  Applications should be sent electronically to or in hard copy by March 21, 2014 to:

Chris McRoberts

Assistant Director of Professional Preparation & Research

ACPA - College Student Educators International

at the National Center for Higher Education

One Dupont Circle NW, Suite 300

Washington, DC  20036  USA