The American College Personnel Association’s core values include an unwavering commitment to issues of equity and inclusion. ACPA leaders share the concerns of many association members regarding the passage of Arizona Senate Bill 1062 that legalizes a business owner’s right to discriminate against LGBT individuals on the basis of religious belief.

The role of student affairs educators and leaders is to help educate and graduate students who will shape our society’s future. ACPA opposes the legalization of discriminatory practices in Arizona, or any state or nation.  The Arizona law potentially impacts the identity development and rights of thousands of college students in Arizona who may be denied access to services and businesses afforded to other consumers and may even question their own safety and security living in the state.

ACPA extends its support to the many college student educators working in Arizona who will be supporting their students as they navigate the unfairness of this potentially new law, should the Governor not sign or fail to veto this legislation.  Until such discriminatory statutes no longer exist in the state, ACPA will continue its practice to not hold conferences or other professional development programs in Arizona. ACPA took this action in 2010, when Arizona enacted its anti-immigration law.

Dialogue about this issue will take place at the ACPA 2014 Annual Convention in Indianapolis. A panel discussion of educators and scholars will be addressing the topic,  "Enacting Social Justice as a Higher Ed Leader: Case Studies from Indiana and Beyond," on Monday, March 31 at 11:45 am.  All consumers deserve the right to fair and equitable treatment as they seek goods and services in the State of Arizona.