
We are about to embark upon the 90th Anniversary of the Association (1924- 2014).  What a wonderful history and contribution the student affairs profession has made for college/university students around the world! 

This convention will be my 37th convention over the past 40 years and I am proud to say I have called ACPA my professional home for all of them.  During my membership in ACPA, I have had the privilege and honor to serve my profession in the following volunteer capacities:

  • ACPA Commission Directorate member (Housing and Residential Life)
  • ACPA Standing Committee member (Men and Masculinities)
  • State membership (New Jersey, Missouri, Minnesota, and District of Columbia)
  • State President (Missouri)
  • ACPA Treasurer
  • ACPA Foundation President
  • ACPA President (1999 – 2000)

As you know, I will step down as your Executive Director at the end of my current contract (2003-2014) in June to return to my first love, being on a campus with students.  I look forward to visiting with those of you who will make the trip to Indianapolis for an exciting and stimulating educational experience.  To my colleagues who were not able to participate in the annual convention this year, I am confident our paths will cross again in the future. The theme “REINVENT .You. Us. Indy” means just that!  It is time to reinvent ourselves and our profession.  As the world becomes smaller and smaller, the demand will be even greater for those leaders to step forward and willingly address the many critical issues facing society today, both domestically and internationally.  I believe we can do it!

I look forward to continuing our work in the near future, whether on a campus or through research and scholarship. Thank you for your support, encouragement and friendship. I hope that I can convince others to give back through volunteerism, educational training, and research.

Again, many thanks for a great experience.  I am pleased that the Governing Board has selected Dr. Cindi Love as their choice to be the next Executive Director of ACPA.   I wish her great success and enjoyment in the position, as I have enjoyed them these past 11 years.

Best wishes to all of you,

Gregory Roberts

Executive Director, ACPA – College Student Educators International