D. Matthew Gregory, Ph.D.
Association for Student Conduct Administration
PO Box 2237
College Station, TX 77841-2237, USA

Dear Dr. Gregory,

Please receive this statement from ACPA – College Student Educators International as an indication of our opposition to Massachusetts Bill H.3942. We understand and agree that this bill will require student conduct proceedings on college campuses in the state of Massachusetts to change radically. This bill will turn student conduct proceedings from an educational and learning opportunity for students who make poor choices into a litigious and criminal function.

The trained professionals in student conduct all across the United States have worked diligently to create a well-respected discipline and serve a critical function on all college campuses. This function works congruently with the law, holds students responsible for the choices they make, and allows them to recover from poor choices providing these choices are not too egregious in nature. We stand in solidarity with your opposition of this bill and are willing to assist you where we can to support your efforts.

On behalf of ACPA – College Student Educators International, thank you for your service.


Gregory Roberts, Ed.S.
Executive Director
ACPA – College Student Educators International

Download a copy of the letter. (PDF)