Research from American Action Forum, a 21st century center-right policy institute, shows growth in required paperwork, general administrative staff, and compliance officers contribute heavily to the rise in tuition and fees at postsecondary institutions.

AAF’s survey of 800 likely voters was conducted in January 2014 and has a margin of error of ±3.46%.­ AAF found the Department of Education currently imposes 85 million hours of paperwork on postsecondary education at a cost of more than $2.7 billion annually, which is a 112.5% increase from 2003 levels. Increased regulations over the past decade have also led to a 31.5% growth in administrative staff, including a 32.8% growth in loan and compliance officers at postsecondary institutions.

This is consistent with our statement that student affairs programs and services are not the primary cause of rising tuition. While staffing has increased at postsecondary institutions, many increases in student affairs are directly correlated with increased requests for services and tighter regulations. We continue to support the value of our members in their roles as educators through learning outside the classroom.