ACPA truly has been my professional home since the beginning of my graduate school years.  I value ACPA as a professional association because it provides a place of inclusion for all, regardless of social identity, ideology or years of service to the profession.  I have found ACPA of particular value as the association has made space for me as a new professional to immediately be involved in leadership roles.  Through my work in the Commission for Student Conduct and Legal Issues, as well as the Ohio College Personnel Association, I have been able to give back to colleagues and a field that have given so much to me.  

Additionally, the networking opportunities that occur organically at ACPA’s annual convention  extremely beneficial.  In addition to providing wonderful professional development opportunities, convention has allowed me to connect with senior scholars in the field and mentor new graduate students.  I have made some of my closest and lifelong friends at convention, while learning the valuable professional and personal life lesson that life is all about the bonds we form with others, learning about them and caring for them as the truly unique individuals they are.  Every year when I leave convention, I am reminded of the words of Dr. Seuss, “Don’t cry because it’s over. Smile because it happened.”  

Ardy Gonyer
Doctoral Student
Bowling Green State University

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