I had the pleasure of attending my tenth Annual Convention in spring 2014 and my first July Leadership Meeting this month. I began my involvement as a graduate student and have worked my way through a variety of volunteer opportunities. For me, ACPA has reminded me of why I am in the field of student affairs. The professionals I have had the opportunity to grow with, be mentored by, and learn from have all impacted me in varying and special ways. I have been challenged, encouraged, and called out. Through ACPA, I have grown as a person, found my passion and voice, and realized where I want to take my career. Sometimes, it amazes me to think that I was an undergraduate student who hated speaking up in class or being "on-stage" in any fashion, yet now, I want to be a full-time learning and development specialist where I facilitate workshops as a career. Some of my development is through age and growing up, but there is a large part that is due to the amazing folks that make up student affairs and the incredible relationships that I have developed throughout the past decade. Wherever my future leads, I will be grateful for my involvement and leadership opportunities.

Kelly Lough
Golden Gate University
Associate Director, Student Life

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