Dr. Debora Liddell, Associate Professor and Department Executive Officer, at The University of Iowa has been named Editor of the Journal of College Student Development. Dr. Liddell will succeed Dr. John Braxton, Vanderbilt University, in July 2015.

Dr. Liddell has a long and successful record of scholarship and leadership in higher education. Her research interests include college students, moral and ethical reasoning, and professional identity in higher education. Dr. Liddell has been published in the Journal of College Student Development, Journal of College Character, and Journal of Student Affairs Research and Practice among others. 

Widely recognized as a distinguished scholar, Dr. Liddell has previously been recognized by ACPA as a Senior Scholar, Educational Foundation Diamond Honoree, and is the recipient of the Annuit Coeptis, Senior Professional Award. Dr. Liddell served on the ACPA Governing Board as Director of Research & Scholarship, Commission for Professional Preparation Chairperson, JCSD Editorial Board, and Contributing Editor of the Journal of College and Character. Dr. Liddell also served as President of the Iowa Student Personnel Association. As a mentor to aspiring scholars, Deb has directed the dissertations of several recipients of the Burns B. Crookston Doctoral Research Award, the Hardee Dissertation of the Year, and finalists for the ASHE Dissertation of the Year.

 ACPA’s Director of Research and Scholarship, Dr. Tony Cawthorn, commented,

“JCSD is one of the premiere research and scholarship journals and it is exciting to know that with Deb’s leadership we will continue to provide our members with the highest quality research reflecting emerging issues in student affairs and higher education. Deb brings an extensive history of research and scholarship and editorial board service. Deb’s vision and leadership will ensure the Journal reflects the highest standards and will provide a Journal that moves our research agenda and profession forward.”   

ACPA’s Executive Director, Dr. Cindi Love, also commented, 

“JCSD is regarded as the leading peer-reviewed research journal in our field on the basis of the rigor of its contributors, originality, importance, multidisciplinary interest, timeliness, accessibility and impact on the lives of practitioners. Core to ACPA's mission is serving college student educators through prompt publication of significant research advances and providing a forum for the reporting and discussion of news and issues concerning our discipline. Deb Liddell is an excellent leader and will ensure that the results of time-proven scholarship are disseminated to the larger community of higher education throughout the world, in a fashion that conveys their significance for knowledge and daily life for the scholar practitioner.”

The Journal of College Student Development (JCSD) is one of the world’s leading journals on higher education. JCSD is included in numerous research databases including the Social Science Citation Index, where JCSD is one of only five U.S. and international higher education journals indexed.