Dr. Cindi Love, Executive Director

I am very pleased to announce that ACPA has recently added The Parity Portfolio to our socially responsible investments held in our reserve accounts. This is a pioneering gender lens investment, which seeks to provide financial and social returns to clients, seeking to move the needle toward gender equality in corporate America. The Parity Portfolio is based on research which shows that companies with 3 or more women on their boards outperform the market.*

So, equality makes good business sense and is in keeping with our core values of equity and inclusion.

This is threshold commitment according to the Wallace Global Fund in confronting and ending injustice.

Gender inequality has been front page news in conversations about domestic violence, and the still young Harry Potter girl...Emma Watson ...has moved the UN and the world in asking male-identified persons to join the fight for feminism

We are also happy to announce inclusion of the The Matterhorn Global Sustainability Index Strategy, based on institutional research, with targeted investments in Climate Change, Water, Waste Generation, Global Demand for Food, Healthy Lifestyle.

Like Parity, MGSI is an actively managed portfolio which seeks financial and social return for our clients.

We can all make a difference.

