ACPA is working with the Partnership for Healthier America (PHA) to recruit additional schools to join its Healthier Campus Initiative college and university initiative by January 16, 2015. At PHA's upcoming Building a Healthier Future Summit in Washington D.C. February 25-27, 2015, a second cohort of campuses will be recognized onstage and nationally by PHA leadership. Honorary Chair First Lady Michelle Obama is the keynote speaker at the event. Twelve ACPA member institutions were recently recognized at the American Public Health Association for their participation in the Partnership initiatives. We are very proud of them and their commitment of health of the whole student including healthier food and fitness choices.

We personally want to invite you and members of your staff to the Summit - either as a newly-signed PHA Healthier Campus Initiative partner, or as an attendee. In addition to the announcement of new partners at the Summit, PHA will hold an informational campuses breakfast on the morning of February 27, 2015 with prospective campuses, current campus partners and PHA leadership. Please join us. If interested in learning more about joining the initiative or participating in the Summit, please take one minute to fill out this form and register for the Summit by January 16 to secure early bird pricing.

PHA and ACPA look forward to working together to create healthier campuses across the country. Important to this work are college and university campuses, which can have a major influence on the health of their students, faculty and staff. PHA believes it is important to recognize and give visibility to leaders, and incentivize all colleges and universities to offer students, faculty and staff healthier options. PHA developed the Healthier Campus Initiative to broker commitments with colleges and universities to assist in helping make their campuses healthier by adopting guidelines around food and nutrition, physical activity/movement and programming. For more information, please see the attached overview.

PHA announced the first cohort of 20 colleges and universities in November, listed below:

  • Arizona State University*
  • Binghamton University*
  • Central New Mexico Community College
  • Clayton State University
  • Florida International University
  • George Mason University*
  • George Washington University*
  • Georgia Institute of Technology*
  • Hampshire College*
  • North Carolina State University*
  • The Ohio State University*
  • Oklahoma State University*
  • Southern University and A&M College
  • Texas A&M University – Corpus Christi
  • University of California, Los Angeles*
  • University of Miami*
  • University of New Hampshire*
  • University of North Dakota
  • University of Oregon*
  • Washington University in St. Louis*

*ACPA Member Campuses are noted by *