Notification: Proposed Bylaws Changes

The ACPA Bylaws serve as an important articulation of the governance structure and values of the Association. Bylaws, by their nature, serve as the foundation for an association’s structure rather than as an expression of operating policies or procedures. As such, any recommended changes to the Bylaws are considered carefully by the leadership and recommended for membership vote only when it is believed that the changes are of significance. ACPA’s Bylaws state that all members in good standing have the right to vote on Bylaws changes. The vote on the proposed changes will take place via electronic vote following the Annual Business Meeting of the Association. The vote will open on Saturday, March 7, 2015 and close on Tuesday, April 7, 2015.

Overview of Bylaws Suggested Revisions
November 2014

Submitted by Gavin Henning on behalf of Bylaws Committee

Revisions Made

  • Changed name of standing committees to coalitions (approved by Governing Board at August meeting).
  • Communities of practice were added as an entity group – although specific communities of practice were not included.
  • Revised bylaws related to state divisions to be consistent with language in state chapter agreements.
  • Revised eligibility for governing board membership permitting organizational members to serve as officers.
    • While there was some concern regarding allowing organizational members to serve in a presidential role, the bylaws committee were in agreement that the bylaws should not be revised to not allow organizational members to serve as VP, but to trust the nominations and election process.
  • Made revision making current or past ACPA employees ineligible to serve as an officer on the governing board until three years after they departed employment with ACPA.
  • Review bylaws and revised pronouns to be gender neutral. Thanks to the T*Circle Advisory Board for their diligent review and suggested revisions.

Review Performed, but No Change

  • Reviewed bylaws to determine if eligibility requirements created barriers to equity and inclusion. No changes were suggested.
  • Reviewed bylaws to consider adding in regional chapters in addition to state chapters. The bylaws committee was in agreement that while we think regional affiliations would be useful for members and could exist along side of state chapters, now is not the appropriate to suggest any revisions since state chapter issues are still uncertain and it may take a year or two before state chapter issues get resolved.

Click here for a copy of the proposed revisions. - UPDATED February 19, 2015