Submit your program proposal today!

Your involvement is needed to make #ACPA16 an educational success and a transformative learning experience for all!  Submit a convention program proposal by Friday, 4 September, 2015.

Submit a Program Proposal for #ACPA16, by yourself or with colleagues:

The program proposal process is now open, and we want you to consider submitting one or more of the following program types. To learn more about #ACPA16 program types, click here.

  • General Educational Session Program
  • Extended Educational Session Program
  • Sponsored and Co-Sponsored Programs
  • Research Paper
  • Research Poster
  • Theory-to-Practice Poster
  • Genius Labs
  • Pecha Kucha Powered by ACPA

About #ACPA16

The 2016 Convention will be ACPA’s first Convention outside of the United States!

The world is becoming more interconnected, so too must ACPA’s professional development, networking, and scholarship. ACPA 2016 provides an opportunity to look at professional practice, research, and social justice issues from beyond US-centric frameworks. The Montréal Québec location and #ACPA16’s partnership with the Canadian Association of College and University Student Services (CACUSS) will afford participants with a rich historical and cultural context within which to explore such issues as student activism, Aboriginal and Indigenous populations, and structures of higher and tertiary education.

The 2016 Convention will be curriculum driven and learner-centered!

By moving away from having a distracting and unnecessary theme for the convention, we are better able to focus on our purpose, curriculum, and learning. After attending #ACPA16, participants will be able to:

  • Engage in exploration of cultural, global, and contemporary critical issues in higher and tertiary education;
  • Reflect on your own and others’ perspectives on scholarship and practice to expand viewpoints and apply new understandings;
  • Demonstrate an increase in active use of professional competencies; and
  • Identify learning scenarios in uncommon places beyond traditional pre-convention workshops and programs so as to maximize professional growth opportunities.
  • Identify learning scenarios in uncommon places, including and beyond traditional educational programs, to maximize professional growth opportunities;
  • Discuss global and contemporary critical concepts in higher education;
  • Examine perspectives on scholarship and practice to expand viewpoints and apply new understandings;
  • Demonstrate an increase in active use of the ACPA/NASPA Professional Competencies;
  • Construct meaningful connections with other student affairs professionals;
  • And develop a plan to reflect on and take their learning back to their professional home.

The 2016 convention curriculum will connect directly with the revised ACPA-NASPA Professional Competencies for Student Affairs Practitioners as well as ACPA’s myPROfolio technology, allowing convention attendees to navigate their entire convention experience in ways that promote their skill growth and development.

More Exciting News About #ACPA16

The #ACPA16 Convention will offer a renewed emphasis on deep and personal opportunities for career development, planning, and coaching, replacing the traditional, conference/onsite job placement interview model. To learn more about the innovative and forward-thinking Career Central programs and services that will be offered over the coming year and at the #ACPA16 Convention, please visit the 2016 Career Central website.

#ACPA16 will be one of the most affordable conventions in recent years! Due to the lowest hotel costs in nearly a decade, the #ACPA16 convention will be as affordable as prior sites. Registration rates are the same as 2015, payment plans are available for all registrants, discounts of up to 12% are available via Air Canada, and the 2016 team is working on increasing financial support available through scholarships.

We encourage you to visit the ACPA 2016 Convention Website for additional information.  The registration process is now open and discounted rates are currently available. Member rates are available to all CACUSS and ACPA Members and we have established a global rate structure and a payment plan option.

If you have any questions, please call the ACPA International Office at 1.202.835.2272 or e-mail us.