ACPA Colleagues,

I want to update you on a new addition to ACPA's  Investment Portfolio with Morgan Stanley, the Matterhorn Group, home of the Parity Portfolio. 
As you are aware, in 2014 ACPA committed to Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) in our investments.   We review our portfolio each month to ensure that we are on the right track financially and invested with high acuity toward our CSR role in higher education.
We have shifted some investments in Sustainability ventures due to underperformance in the first quarter of 2016.  We are now invested in a new Diversity & Inclusion Strategic Portfolio.  It is based on the findings of 150 researchers at Thomson Reuters who study 22 diversity and inclusion metrics of 5000 companies worldwide.  They rank the companies on issues such as policies (including parental leave, HIV/AIDs policies among others), workforce diversity at every level, and lawsuits regarding lack of diversity.  They list 13 different kinds of diversity—such as race, gender, LGBT, disability, age, geographic, appearance…

The outperformance in hypothetical testing over the last three years was 5.7% over the MSCI World Stock index. And real year-to-date figures with actual investment of some of our clients has been 2.87% net.  This is a large cap portfolio and has about 65 companies, half in international companies, half in US.

This portfolio uses the majority of the metrics identified in the Global Diversity and Inclusion Benchmark (GDIB) project in which ACPA has been participating since 2015.  (View Here)
Thank you very much!