Black Lives Matter Blog

We have been silent.  But the silence has been intentional.  We are in mourning and we are simply trying to heal.  From Orlando and Baton Rouge to Dallas and Minnesota, we are in shock at the lengthening chain of violence against people of color.  Over the past three years, we have continued to observe increased awareness of police brutality against marginalized populations.  Know this, the number of tragedies are the same.  The behaviors correlated with the propagation of these issues have not changed.  The system has battered, bruised, imprisoned, and murdered folx of color for centuries.  What has changed is the increased visibility of these incidents through social media and technology.

Some of us are trying to protect our psyches.  Some of us must be strategic in how we protect our bodies.  Some of us are trying to reconcile the fact that we may not be able to guarantee the safety of our loved ones.  In our silence, we're making sense and making meaning.  We wonder.  How many of us are too tired, angry, hurt, and/or overwhelmed with feelings of helplessness?  How can we make space for you and others in the middle of this?  How can we serve as advocates, allies, and activists within ACPA, our campuses, and our field? Here are some of our thoughts:

We live in a time where dichotomous thinking has pitted us against one another; but we recognize an alternative way to be - to be both/and.  We acknowledge for example, that one can be both pro-Black lives and pro-police.  As the Coalition of Multicultural Affairs, we wish to emphasize that we are anti-violence in all of its forms, and against police brutality. As we have observed in recent weeks and months, police brutality geared towards people of color is more likely to result in violence - in serious injury or death. 

We invite you to be mindful.

Appreciate both intent and impact.  If someone is making a conscientious effort to learn and serve, allow grace if mistakes occur.  Use these errors as teachable moments for growth, not spaces for shame.  

We encourage you to practice self-care.

Utilize your personal and professional support system, including allies and human resources options that may be offered by your employer.  Utilize sick leave and child care options to practice wellness and to create a quiet space for yourself.  

We urge you to act.

Identify representatives within your district, county, and state.  Identify those who have made progressive strides towards civil rights and call out (not in) individuals who have demonstrated complacency.  Demand that the lives of people of color matter and that the end of police brutality should be a priority in the coming election.

Finally, we encourage you to engage the literature on best practices for your campus and community.  Use the resources our Association affords its members.

While the urgency of action and care is upon us, we wish to move forward with love - for ourselves, for each other in the Association, and for those on our campuses.  We cannot achieve a more equitable world alone; we must move forward together.

In Service,

Shawna M. Patterson
Chair, Coalition of Multicultural Affairs
Members of the CMA Directorate
Members of the CMA Networks