Dear Colleague,

I am excited to share with you that more than 100 campuses have joined the ALL IN Campus Democracy Challenge.  This initiative recognizes colleges and universities committed to improving democratic engagement, increasing voter participation rates, and graduating informed and active citizens. The ALL IN Challenge seeks to go beyond get-out-the-vote efforts to make long-term changes in campus climate that will help colleges and universities educate for life long democratic engagement. 

Additional details about the ALL IN Challenge are provided in the press release below.  You may also learn more on one of our informational webinars.  I encourage you, as a higher education leader and member of the Washington Higher Education Secretariat, to share this program with your members.  I also welcome the opportunity for your organization to partner with us.

Many thanks for your consideration. 


Zaneeta E. Daver
Director, ALL IN Campus Democracy Challenge

Contact Erin A. Hennessy
(202) 664-4205 cell


Sept. 27 registration deadline for participating campuses Washington, DC (July 7, 2016)—Recognizing the importance of helping college students form the habits of civic engagement and participation, the ALL IN Campus Democracy Challenge launched today and will work with institutions of higher education to improve, measure, and celebrate efforts to change campus climate and encourage informed participation in our democracy.

The ALL IN Challenge, a program of Civic Nation, recognizes campuses committed to improving democratic engagement, increasing voter participation rates, and graduating informed and active citizens. Campuses commit to a set of actions, are recognized for achieving established benchmarks, and are presented awards for exemplary efforts. Participation is open to all accredited, degree-granting postsecondary institutions in the United States and interested institutions may participate in a free, 30-minute webinar to learn more. The deadline for institutions to join the ALL IN Challenge is September 27, 2016. To date, more than 73 campuses have registered to participate in the inaugural year of the challenge.

“Preparing graduates for their public lives as citizens, members of communities, and professionals in society has historically been a responsibility of higher education,” said Zaneeta E. Daver, director of the ALL IN Challenge. “What we hope to achieve with the ALL IN Challenge is a refocusing on this vital part of higher education’s mission. While the national conversation is currently focused on the 2016 presidential election, this is not a short-term initiative. We are committed to working with institutions over the long-term to lift up best practices and make educating for democratic engagement pervasive.”

Following registration with the ALL IN Challenge, participating campuses will create an institution-wide committee of faculty, students and staff to develop and implement an action plan and coordinate efforts of individual groups that share the goal of increasing informed participation in the electoral process. Campuses will also be asked to join the National Study of Learning, Voting and Engagement (NSLVE), a program of the Jonathan M. Tisch College of Civic Life at Tufts University.

Once a campus receives its NSLVE report, it will share student voting participation rates with the ALL IN Challenge in order to be considered for recognition nationally and among their peers. The first awards presentation will take place in Washington, DC, in fall 2017 and biennially thereafter.

“Among the many things colleges and universities do, perhaps the most important is preparing our students to take their places as thoughtful, informed, questioning participants in our democracy,” said Richard Guarasci, president of Wagner College and chairman of the board of Campus Compact. “What the ALL IN Challenge will do is help ensure civic engagement is a meaningful and permanent part of our campus culture.”

The ALL IN Campus Democracy Challenge benefits from the support and insight of a seven-member advisory board and works in partnership with organizations such as Campus Compact, American Democracy Project, NASPA – Student Affairs Professionals in Higher Education, Rock the Vote and others to advance the shared goal of informed and increased participation in the electoral life of our nation. A full listing of partner organizations is available here.


The ALL IN Campus Democracy Challenge is a Civic Nation Initiative. Civic Nation is a nonpartisan organization. It does not support or oppose candidates for public office in any election, nor does it take a stand for or against any political party. Civic Nation believes that the participation of informed citizens is of the utmost importance and encourages individuals to play an active role in the U.S. democratic endeavors.