Newsreel photo credit: Hola! Arkansas

Dear Colleagues,
We want to update you on ACPA's participation as a co-signatory on a letter to The Honorable Lindsey Graham, The Honorable Richard Durbin, The Honorable Mike Coffman, and The Honorable Luiz Gutierrez indicating that we strongly support the Bar Removal of Individuals Who Dream and Grow (BRIDGE) Act.  
In alignment with our core values of equity and inclusion and advocating in behalf of our students, ACPA agrees "with the intent of the BRIDGE Act to provide temporary relief to the more than 752,000 individuals, also known as DREAMers, from deportation and ensure employment authorization to those who are eligible for the Department of Homeland Security's Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program.  The DACA program has allowed these young people to come out of the shadows and temporarily have an opportunity at the American dream.  However, DACA and the BRIDGE Act are only stopgap measures; what is needed is the passage of the DREAM Act and ultimately fair, just, and comprehensive immigration reform.
DREAMers are a key segment of our nation's talent pool, doing all we could ask of them: they have succeeded in American PK-12 schools, overcome obstacles to pursue further education, remained law-abiding, and sought to make their contribution to our nation.  It only makes sense to continue to allow them to make that contribution without fear of deportation."
Cindi Love, ACPA Executive Director