ACPA18Houston March 11-14. Be Bold.

Happy New Year!

As we begin 2018 and make our new year resolutions, it is important to consider one’s professional development resolutions as well. ACPA18 provides valuable tools to assist student affairs and higher education practitioners in their professional development needs. ACPA18 includes educational sessions rooted in the ACPA/NASPA Professional Competencies, featured speakers whose areas connect with issues impacting our campuses, the opportunity to earn CEUs, as well as an opportunity to build your professional development plan through ACPA’s myPROfolio.

ACPA18 will also offer Pre-Convention workshops on Saturday, 10 March and Sunday, 11 March. These full-day or half-day workshops are available for an additional fee; $75 for full-day (includes lunch) and $50 for half day.

Saturday, 10 March

Full Day Workshops:

  • #1: Conducting Program Review Using the CAS Standards
  • #2: HOPES – Honoring Our Past, Embracing Success: Moving Beyond Invisibility
  • #3: Latin@/x in Higher Education: Past, Present and Future
  • #4: A Healing Path: Liberation from Internalized Racial Subordination
  • #5: Cultivating Courageous Leadership

Half Day Workshops:

  • #6: Professional Real Talk: Launching a Student Affairs Employment Campaign

Sunday, 11 March

Full Day Workshops:

  • #7: Mental Health First Aid Certification: Learn to Recognize & Respond
  • #8: Exploring Post-Traumatic Master’s Syndrome: Dismantling Whiteness and Moving to Action
  • #9: Getting it done – Moving from ABD to completion!
  • #10: Global citizenship and student affairs
  • #11: Summit for Black Student Affairs Professionals

Half Day Workshops:

  • #12: Ready to Supervise: Developing Your Own Supervisory Style
  • #13: Using Case Studies to Apply Theory to Professional Practice
  • #14: Financial Wellness Personalized: Systemic Barriers, Self-Exploration, and Your Financial Identity
  • #15: Understanding WHITE: White Identity, White Privilege, and White Supremacy
  • #16: Challenge and Support: Working Intentionally in Graduate and Professional Education
  • #17: Becoming a Student Affairs Creator: Digital Makerspace Workshop

If you’ve already registered for ACPA18 and would like to add a Pre-Convention workshop, you can add them to your current registration using the following steps:.  

  1. Log into the Attendee Service Center
  2. Click on the edit feature next to your name
  3. Verify that your information is correct and then click continue
  4. When you visit the “Conference Registration Fees”, you can choose among the different Pre-Convention workshops.
  5. Click continue and then the system will prompt for payment

If you need assistance adding a pre-convention workshop, please

As you reflect on your professional development goals for 2018, consider ACPA18 as part of your plan! If you have not yet registered for ACPA18, it’ is not too late. Regular registration is available through Friday, 9 February by visiting

We hope you will join us in Houston, Texas, USA from 11 – 14 March 2018!